These tomatoes are the workhorse of the kitchen garden. When you think of canning, you think of paste tomatoes. Most of them are determinates which means they ripen their fruits all about the same time, making it convenient to put them up. They are meaty and dryer, with less seeds and most are an elongated shape.
San Marzano and Roma are names that folks are familiar with. I like Polish Linguisa and Amish Paste. Both are heirlooms and are quite tasty as well as being good for canning. Rocky is one of my new favorites. They are enormous, making it easy to slip the skins and fill up a quart jar using 3-4 fruits. They are later but well worth it. Another one I like for it’s beauty and color is the Roman Candle. Bright yellow with green stripes, easy to find in the foliage.
San Marzano Redorta is a newer one for me. They are huge! Another one that is easy to can. Speckled Roman is very pretty, nice size, red streaked with light god stripes and very tasty in a salad. It has received good press lately.
Click on the picture for a little more detail. Coming Soon!