Flowers for the Soul

Welcome to my flower garden. Here are the varieties that I have available for purchase. I sell mostly tomatoes and peppers but I believe that flowers are food for the soul! They look good in pots with or without vegetables and lining beds of vegetables, which the bees like and it encourages pollination.

Click on the categories below for plant listings. 

Flower Categories
amaranthus cinco de mayo
amaranthus dreadlocks
amaranthus josephscoat
amaranthus love lies bleeding
aster blue tipped
aster giants of california
aster matsumoto striped
aster milady mix
aster ostrich plume finest
aster powder puff
aster purple burst
aster sakata mix
aster standy mix
Calendula Cantaloupe
Calendula Radio
Calendula Solar Flare
Calendula Triangle Flashback
Calendula Zeo Lights
coleus mix 3
coleus mix 1
coleus mix 4
coleus mix 2
four oclocks
f gazania
hibiscus mahogany splendor
marigold crackerjack
mimulus magic blotch
f nasturtiums
f nicotiana
pansy cats plus mix
f penstemon
f petunia
f phlox
f salvia
f scabiosa
f schizanthus
f snapdragon
f stock
f strawflower
f sweet peas
f verbascum
f vines
f zinnia